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Gustav Schmidt

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Gustav Schmidt

Gustav Schmidt (* 1895; † 1967) war der Bürgermeister von Huchenfeld in der Zeit der Erschießung britischer Flieger in Huchenfeld.



Tony Redding erklärt in seinem Buch Bombing Germany: The Final Phase: The Destruction of Pforzheim and the Closing Months of Bomber Command's War:„Bürgermeister Gustav Schmidt could have asked locally billeted troops to intervene....The plan was to shoot all seven in the school cellar, but Huchenfeld's Bürgermeister, Gustav Schmidt, protested. He said, that if they had to be shot it should be done in the village cemetery. That was the limit of Schmidt's protest. He returned to the wedding party he was attending, despite having heard shots on his way back. Subsequently, in court, he struggled to explain why he didn't ask the 500 Wehrmacht troops then stationed in Huchenfeld to intervene. In his statement he said he went ot the cemetery the next morning, saw the bodies and rang up the Pforzheim Kreisleitung. He was told: Just bury the bodies. He then added: At an earlier meeting to Ortsgruppenleiters I heard Kreisleiter Knab say that enemy airmen were to be buried in mass graves without church ceremony. I arranged for the bodies of the four British airmen to be buried in a common grave in the cemetery, without church ceremony..“

Die Flypast - Ausgaben 300-305 meint:„As in so many cases, Gustav Schmidt, the local Burgermeister was a true Nazi in every sense of the word..“


Gustav Schmidt war verheiratet mit Luise Schmidt, geb. Faber (1900-1980). Sie hatten einen Sohn, Günter Schmidt (1931-1993).



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